February 9, 2017
Seward Middle School Color Wheel Paintings
Seward Middle School students learned how to mix all 12 colors of the color wheel using just the primary colors: red, yellow, blue! Then they were given the assignment to come up with a composition which included all 12 colors! Here is what they came up with, great job!
Renee Elhard
Hailey Freiberg
Hana Cooney
Aiden Rodriguez
Ryan Brown
Leah Kava-Murdock
Paola Baez
Kylie Mullaly
Dilthini Dissanayake
Aaron Kuller
Ashton Simpson
Wren Dougherty
Shelby Sieminski
Cody Bryden
October 18, 2012
Homage to Art History
Students first researched various famous painters from art history. Then they picked their favorite artist and chose one of their paintings to recreate. They drew it by hand, then painted it with acrylic paint using the verdaccio (italian) or grisaille (french) technique which was developed in the middle ages. In this technique, the painting is first done entirely on a gray scale to create depth and value, and then color is added in glazes. They did a great job, and succesfully integrated their own personalities into these paintings, check them out:
Billy Joe Wardlow
Pablo Picasso
Ayla Bunch
Dali’s Windmills, not by Salvador Dali but an homage to him…not sure who did this?
Mary Ramirez
Edgar Degas, Four Dancers in Half Figure
Taylor Stewart
Arthur Dove, Sunrise
Lacy Knafel
Paul Cezanne, Still life with Apples
Corianne Douglas
Vincent Vangogh, Starry Night
Isaac Osborn
Paul Cezanne, Pyramid of Skulls
Chloey Baldwin
Claude Monet, San Giorgio Maggiore-Soleil Couchant
Sam Melvin
Henri Matisse, Blue Nude & Blue Nude II
Autumn Young
Salvador Dali, Spellbound
Daren Sanderson
Pablo Picasso, Enamel Saucepan
Tristan Boor
Henri Matisse, Icarus
Howie Hubbard
Leonardo da Vinci, Flying Machine
Tristan Wallace
Paige Carter
Georgia O’Keeffe, White Trumpet Flower