Seward High School Art

January 26, 2013

Ceramic Plates and Bowls

by e10391

One of the fun things about ceramics is the creativity involved.  You can drape clay over almost anything to take its form as it dries; wood, plaster, newspaper, glass… Draping a slab of clay into a concave surface is called a slump mold and onto a convex surface is a hump mold.  We did both methods, using paper plates as our slump molds and paper bowls as our hump molds.  You can also use just about anything to texture clay; your fingers, a fork, a leaf, a toy, stamps, whatever you can imagine…Seward High Ceramics first assignment was to make a textured plate and bowl and they really did a great job.  Here are some of the best:


Mary Ramirez

Gabby Katsma

Isaac Osborn

Isaac Osborn

Renzee Comia

Hanna Norris

Julia Davenport

Ben Miranda

Alex Ashford

Izzy Barnwell

Miranda Clark

Julia Davenport

Audra Atwood

Tyler Quiring

Emily Quinn

Sam Melvin

Paige Carter

Ayla Bunch

Richie Mack


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